Thursday, December 6, 2018

Disappointing Books I Read in 2018

This year I have read a lot of books, some were re reads but I focused this more on books that I have read for the first time this year.  

Honestly I was expecting a lot more disappointment but happy that there wasn’t. 

Eat, Pray, Love
I really wanted to love the book. But I felt that the author was way to high maintenance, and by the end of each chapter when I started to like her I hated her again by the time the next part came alone. 

I ended up re donating the book because I disliked it so much. Which I have no problem with as it cost me only $4 

The Best Of Me
I very much have a love hate relationship when it comes to Nicholas Sparks books. I either love them to the point where they are my favourite or I hate them where I want to have the days back I spent reading them. And unfortunately The Best Of Me was one of those books I want my time back for. The only good part about it was that it finished. And maybe the price. 

The Notebook
Everyone says The Notebook is one of their favourite movies. Not me I hated the movie. Which is probably why I disliked the book as well. 

I found that The Matched Trilogy and The Lunar Chronicles (Cinder, Scarlet and Cress) are very much set up the same way where the first book is based on one character, and as the series go on more and more, they add more characters to it. In the case with The Matched Trilogy sure all three characters were already in the first book, but it got more complicated as the books went on. I absolutely loved the first book in the Matched Trilogy but by the third I was disappointed 

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