Monday, December 3, 2018

Change of Heart DNF Book Review From October

Book: Change of Heart

Author: Jodi Pilcoult

Start Reading Date: 26th October 2018

End Reading Date: DNF

I have a love hate relationship with Jodi Pilcoult. I love the fact that she’s an author and I have a good amount of her books, but when I read them I have difficulty.

I had no idea what Change of Heart was all about when I picked it up. There is a few patterns in Jodi’s books that I am not a massive of which are short chapters and multiple narrators. But one of the things that kind of makes it a smidge easier is that everyone had their own font.

I really want to like Jodi’s books but I just can’t. I can’t deal with the short pages and millions of people’s perspective. It gets confusing so quickly.

The blurb of the book indicates three characters and knowing what Jodi does with her books with all the characters I could have dealt with it. But when one of the characters chapter starts way into the book when secondary characters had two plus chapters before makes it so confusing.

I wanted to find a book that I could get into but really couldn’t get into this one. I felt let down and disappointed. I felt that one of the characters in the book is actually pointless

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