Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Blogmas Day 6 I'm So Grinch About This

Welcome to day  6 of blogmas. Today is a Top 5 Wednesday all about bookish things are grinch about. This can be stuff about covers, dumb tropes,

  • When Bookmarks Go All Flimsy 
I love bookmarks. Well now anyways. But I have this one that I really love but it's gone all flimsy at the top where it sticks out the top of the book

  • Dog Ear Corners
I used to dog ear the corners of my books when I was younger.  Now I hate looking at the marks that they made. 

  • Obvious Book/Movie Similarities 
I'm not talking about when a book is made into a movie but when books and moves are completely different time frame and they are so similar 
I think the biggest culprit of this is Beneath the Glitter by Elle and Blair Fowler and the movie Material Girls with the Duff sisters. 

  • Book Hauls
Everyone seems to do monthly book Hauls.  I know they get books sent to them by publishers and what have you, but seriously when they get to be more then you posting a review then it annoys me. 

  • When People Say Twilight is Better Then Harry Potter 
Everything about that is just wrong. It's Harry Potter all the way. 

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