Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mini Book Haul

I love shopping at thrift stores. Ok actually let me re fraze that. I like thrift store shopping for books and nick knacks rather than clothes. It something about wearing other people’s clothes that I don’t like about thrift stores. 

I use two thrift stores for cheep books. Teen Challenge which is closer and cheaper. And Goodwill which is further away and a little more expensive but has more options and organized better. 

Last week I went to Teen Challenge with my dad. He had to pick something up but it had gone by the time he’d got there. While he was looking around I looked at books. I was tempted to pick up the Pretty Little Liars books they had. And there was a lot of them. But instead picked up two different books. 

The first is Eat Love Pray. I remember about 6/7 years ago I picked a copy up. It was the movie cover version of the book. Since then I have moved three times and couldn’t tell you where it is now. So for $1.50 I picked up another copy and this time it is the original cover

I also picked up Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Wiesburger. I have only ever tread The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren and even though I have another book by her I couldn’t pass up $2.50 for a hard back book. The reason I like picking up Lauren Wiesburger’s books is because the covers always appeal to me.  

I should have really blogged about my mini book haul before now. But I had put the books in the car and completely forgot to pick them up when my dad dropped me off home. 

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