Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Love/Hate Books


Welcome to my Love/Hate books. Not all of the ones on my hate list are ones I hate more just Disliked less then the ones I love 

Similar Books

Loved Book: Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Mattson
Hated: Paper Towns by John Green 

- I have a love hate relationship with John Green’s books. Out of the three books that I read Paper Towns was the one I didn’t like. I read it around the same time as Since You’ve Been Gone and found them very similar but preferred SYBG. 
- Both books have the theme of someone being lost/missing and a group of people go and find them. What I liked about SYBG was the music aspect of the book and how the relationship between Emily and Frank developed more natural then Margo and Quinten

Books By The Same Author

Loved: Safe Haven
Hated: The Last Song

Safe Haven is one of my all time favourite books (and movies, and one that went from book to movie) I loved how something bad became something good and how they played out at the same time. Where I found The Last Song really dull and boring and that to many people had chapters on their time over the summer and it just didn’t work for me. 

Loved: Harry Potter and the Philophisors Stone
Hated: 50 Shades of Gray

I could have so easily said Twilight for the hate but I liked the first book in that series where I Disliked 50 SoG. Where as HP is my childhood 

Books in Series
Loved: Cinder
Hated: Scarlet
- I loved Cinder so much but as each book went on it got more and more disheartening and less and less about the actual ‘princess’ it was based on. That I kept forgetting that each book was based on one.

Hard Topic
Loved: The Ice Cream Girls
Hated: Love Anthony

The Ice Cream Girls and Love Anthony both covered very different hard topics but I found that Dorothy Koomson covered hers so much better in The Ice Cream Girls. I want to love Love Anthony. But I just can’t get past the first chapter

Full Series
Loved: Harry Potter
Hated: Twilight

I feel like Harry Potter and Twilight are like iPhone and Blackberry. You love one more than the other and your a die hard of that series, and even though you try and read the other it’s impossible. I’m a HP lover. I can’t fault the books in any way shape or form. But when it comes to Twilight Saga. I wanna rip my eyes out.


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