Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Time Travelers Wife DNF Book Review

Book: The Time Travelers Wife
Author: Audrey Niffenegger
Pages: 546
Released: 2003
Started: July 2017
Finished: August 25th 2017
Goodreads: 1*

I just confused by the book so bad that I wasn't picking it up at all and it felt pointless continuing a book that I really had no interest in finishing or keep picking up. 

I know it's all about time travel but it's just not my thing after starting to reading it. I wanted to give it a fair chance, and I did, but if I am not getting anywhere near the end of a book by the time I normally do then I know I have to admit defeat and that's what I am doing. I haven't picked it up in ages, I don't want to pick it up and I don't think I will because it's on the pile that I want to donate. 

The fact that I have picked up four other books, finished two, halfway through another and stated the fourth just shows that I am so over the book

So I am sorry to those who loved the book, but I just didn't. It was far to complicated in what I had read it the book.  


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