Tuesday, August 8, 2017

July Wrap Up and August TBR

I've just realized that I didn't do a July TBR, I only had two books on it, and forgot to post it. #MyBad

I had Since Last Summer on my TBR for this month which I have read. HERE for my review. 

This month I haven't read to much. I've been in a serious reading slump. I mean it took 2 weeks to read a book I know I can read in a week. 

I don't normally read two books at once. My poor dyslexic brain can't do it, but I started reading The Time Travelers Wife and finding it hard, so I picked up Fan Girl. 

  • The Time Travlers Wife
It's been sitting on my shelf since forever.  I keep meaning to read it but never gotten around to it. Now I have I know it's going to take forever. 

  • Fan Girl
    •   Rainbow Rowell
Its been a  while since I have read fan Girl. So it's about time I read it again. The first time I wasn't a massive fan of it. 

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