Wednesday, September 7, 2016

People I Would Love To Be In My Family || Top 5 Wednesday || September 7th 2016

to the first top 5 Wednesday of September. 

Today is people we would like to be in our family. I actually found it really hard for the fact that most of the books that I have read I couldnt see any of them in my family. 

- Fred and George Weasley as brothers

There would never be a dull moment in the house of Fred and George were brothers. 

- Bella from Twilight as a cousin you don't want to see
Bella would be the one sat in the corner of a family reunion that everyone is avoiding and not wanting to speak to. I don't know why I would want someone in my family that I would try and avoid but there is always one family member that you do. 

- Luna Lovegood as the quicky sister
You have Fred and George causing mayhem and then Luna would be the sister that would say something  and everyone would look at her as if she is insaine but you think she is kinda cool. 

- Jase form My Life Next Door
Jase would be the brother that everyone has a crush on and that always has friends around. Plus in the book he looks after his siblings so you know he's got a decant head on his shoulders 

- Bellatrix as an aunt
Bellatrix is so crazy and insane that she would be such a fun aunt. 


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