Friday, January 11, 2019

Week 2 (Jan 11th) How I Blog.

Most of my blogging is done via my phone. I’m not an organized person in general, but what I do works well for me. 

Each month I have a folder that is specific for that month. In that folder the first thing I do is title posts for Top Ten Tuesday (TTT) and Top 5 Wednesday (T5W) and the day they are supposed to be released on my blog.  

I also have post titles of things I want to blog about. These post are varied both on topics and days they are released. 

I also have folders for other things such as my books reviews, Netflix review. 

What happens when I don’t post a blog in the month I wrote it, is that I carry it over to the next month, and post it when i feel its right. 

I do it this way, because then I can edit post throughout the week/month and make it How I want it. Things such as TTT and T5W that are weekly things I can bullet point what I want to say, what books are on it that come to mind right away and edit it throughout the week. Though sometimes they do over lap in their topics curtain times, such as January’s topics and December’s topics. 

There are also times when I want to do post on curtain topics, that I wait until it’s an appropriate time. Such as this year I want to do a series all about PCOS, but the right time to do it is in September for PCOS Awareness Month. 

When posts are complete I’ll put it on to my blogging app, and add the photos of what ever I am talking about, or that are appropriate. When I have everything set up via my phone is when I go on to my laptop and edit everything even more. 

I get the font of text i want, along with moving pictures around, bold what needs it. 

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