Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Ice Cream Girls Q&A Part Three

To the third and final part of the Q&A of The Ice Cream Girls.

You can find my review of the book HERE
Part one of the Q&A HERE
Part two of the Q&A HERE

Question 10
What is the relationship between Serena and Poppy? Could they have been friends if not for Marcus

I don't think they could after reading the first part. Their relationship with each other started because of Marcus. You see how jealous of Poppy Serena is. The fact that Marcus had two of them at once I don't think they could have been friends.

I think they aren't really friends. Serena though jealous of poppy would cover for her. Poppy was also not as strong as Serena was. Poppy was jealous of Serena for the fact that she hardly showed any emotions when she was with Marcus and I think Poppy wanted some of that so when what happened, happened Poppy finally got that strength

I don't think they would have been friends as teenagers. They are far to different. The person that brought them together is the only reason why they seemed to have any kind of relationship. They looked out for each other only because they knew what the other was going through.

Question 11
How did prison change Poppy
Poppy was so naive when she was younger and prison hardened her up a little bit. She seems intent on not having a relationship with anyone even though Alain is trying to get to know her. It changed her in the fact that she found it hard to try and have a relationship. I think she also got a real friend with the girl inside and was generally distraught when she died.

Question 12
How does being found not guilty change Serena
She feels guilty. She feels that because Marcus was the one person in the world she trusted was dead and she didn't go back and help him right away. She had lost a part of her childhood. She feels that she can't trust people and even though she is acting as if she trust her husband I don't think she truly can, or did, until she told him the truth. And because of what had happened to her during the time she was with Marcus she felt that her life had to be a lie and she felt guilty because she couldn't tell the one person she loved the most what had happened. She also feels guilty because she is the one that started the chain effects that lead to Marcus being killed that night.

Question 13
How do Poppy and Serena change as people during the corse of the book

I feel as if they have come into there own a lot more. Poppy has become more out spoken to others. She feels that she had lost so much of her life because of being in prison that she had time to reflect on what happened. She became more determined to get to the truth about that night. For Serena I think she had her moments. She seemed so strong and in a loving relationship that she almost forgot what had happened to her as teenager, but when she finds out what her family really think about that night she feels scared. And then when her husband finds out she feels alone. She goes through more of a rollercoaster of a time since Poppy had been released from prison where Poppy went through it when she was younger. By the end of the book I think they both finally found peace in the situation

Question 14
Do you think the killer was justified in what she did

- part one
In a way I can understand why who ever killed him, killed him. He used and abused both of them for so long that it would be so understandable why they did.

- part two
At the moment I don't know who the killer is. But if it is either poppy or Serena then I can understand why they may have killed Marcus. They may have snapped. After finishing the book I can understand why the killer did what they did. She was unhappy with it all. She was so angry with everything that the only way out was to do what she did.

Question 15

What are the main themes of The Ice cream girls

- murder
It shows the effects that one person has on other people. While murder is never the answer you can understand why the murder did what they did.

- Lies
    - Marcus has lied to the both of them about each other. He played them off each other and when it was to late he ends up dead.
    - Serena lied to her husband about what happened. She had so many opportunities to tell him.
    - Alain. Oh Alain, Alain, Alain, why did you have to lie to Poppy like that. My heart broke for her.
    - Serena's family made her believe for so long that they believed her but had doubts.

- Love
    - Marcus is loved by two teenagers that had never experienced what real love is about and he manipulated them into love.
    - Serena falls in love with her husband

- Trust
    - Both poppy and Serena have a lot of trust in Marcus. And can't see that their trust is being manipulated
    - Evan felt that his trust in Serena wasn't reciprocated by her as she didn't trust him with the truth about Marcus or Poppy

-  Betrayal
    - Both Poppy and Serena feel betrayed by Marcus. He led them both on, played each other off each other
    - Evan, Serena's husband feels betrayed by Serena because she didn't tell him about Marcus
    - Poppy's parents because Poppy didn't tell them about Marcus
    - Poppy because her parents didn't believe her
    - Serena started to feel betrayed by her sisters and parents and brother in law after it came out that they have some doubts about her story
    - Alain betrayed Poppy by not revealing who he was right away.
    - Marcus and his ex wife both felt betrayed by each other

- Heartbreak
    - Serena and Poppy are both heartbroken that someone they love is with another person
    - Poppy's parents are heartbroken that she could have done something like that
    - Poppy was falling in love with Alain only for him to tell her the real reason why he was interested.

- Domestic violence
Marcus beats and and verbally abuses both Poppy and Serena.

- Secrets
It seemed that everyone was keeping secrets from their loved ones.

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