Friday, March 4, 2016

February read and March TBR

and welcome back to my blog, I am suprised that I have read 4 books this month, for me that is good and I know the first three Harry Potter books are quite small around 300 pages or less, but for me it is really good

For February's TBR I set myself the task of reading book 1-3 of Harry Potter. I did that and also read book 4. Yes my book 4 is a hard back cover, but it fell of years ago, and then I lost it and ended up buying another version of it, but I prefer reading this one. I actually found it again  a few months ago in boxes at my dad's old place when were clearing out.

For March I am setting myself the task of reading books 5,6 and 7. I started reading book  5 and am about 100 pages or so into it. 


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