Saturday, June 13, 2020

What I Learnt From A #BlackLivesMatter Protest

I didn’t know what to expect from the #blacklivesmatter Protest. But what I saw was incredible.

Though I didn’t know what to expect from this I knew there would be trouble. I’ve seen the riots people are doing in other places. There was one man who made a scene and he was escorted away instantly while everyone was chanting Stop The Violence Stop The Hate. 

I learned that we live in a world where we want to try and save everyone and everything. But if we start small we can get there. We can make a difference. 

- Change Needed To Happen A LONG TIME AGO
I knew change needed to happen, but it’s like I didn’t pay attention. I’ve seen it where were reducing our plastic usage, or trying to save the planet, or the oceans, and while they are things I also believe in, I now see that black lives matter just as much as everything else were trying to change. Black People are humans just as much as I am, and their lives matter just as much as mine.  

We are making small progress compared to where we were when our parents and grandparents were kids. But we live in a world where change is important. I know in my lifetime that I may not see it, but we can make a real good start on it.  

- Amazing People Out Weigh The Negative 
There was one point during the march where someone made a scene. It happened so quick. I saw people run past me and go towards where the commotion was happening. It was over just as quickly as it had started and while a lot of people gathered around this man, more didn’t. As a community we out weighed him and he was gone. We already live in a world of negativity 
t taken by me

- I Have A Voice & I Can Use It
I’ve heard people say it’s a millennial and younger thing. Well at the protest people of all ages were there using their voices. Just because I’m a millennial doesn’t mean my voice can’t be heard or that I can’t use it. 


- I Understand, That I Don’t Understand, But I Stand
I can educate myself better on the whole situation. And hearing the stories of people who spoke, really got to me.

- White Privilege 
I didn’t realize just how privileged I am because of the colour of my skin. I’ve never had to fear the police, or fear going out of my apartment, or walking around the store not being followed. I’ve never feared that I’d be confronted by people or them yelling at me because of my skin.

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