Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Character Traits I Love

This weeks TTT, is the first that I’ve done in a while, but wanted to do because it was such a cute topic to cover, yet a hard one to do. 

- Luna Lovegood’s Ability Not To Care and her Honesty 
    - Harry Potter 
Luna knows she’s and odd ball, and that people always take and hide her belongings. But for most of the school year she doesn’t seem to care. I also love how she is so honest with people. 

- Nell’s Ability To Never Give Up
    - The Brighton Mermaid 
I love how Nell has the passion to never give up on what happened to the Brighton Mermaid or her friend Jude. She wants to know what happened to the both of them.  

- Emily’s Passion
    - The Devil Wears Prada 
You can’t deny that Emily has such passion for fashion. Way more than Andy did or does.  

- Kamryn and Kendra’s Motherly Love
    - My Best Friends Girl and Marshmallows For Breakfast 
Both Kamryn and Kendra have had it rough when it comes to love, yet they can still love Tegan (MBFG) and the twins (MFB). Also neither of them have children of their own, yet have taken on the roll, 

- Tegan’s Ability To Adapt
    - My Best Friends Girl
Tegan is only a small child when her mum gets seriously ill, and though it’s hard at first for her to adapt to having Kamryn in her life, I think she adapts really well, especially since she lives with her grandparents for a short while and was mistreated. She also adapted really well with Nate and Luke coming into her life. 

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