Book: Dear John
Author: Nicholas Sparks
Pages: 276 hardback (330 mass market)
Publisher: Warner Books NY
Publish Date: October 2006
Start Reading Date: June 19th 2019
End Reading Date: June 25th 2019
My Goodreads Rating: 4*
When I first read Dear John last year I’ll admit I didn’t like it, this year as I’ve re read it I actually really like it. My mind has definitely been changed for the better.
Dear John is about John Tyree, who joins the army when he feels like his life is going nowhere. On one of his trips home he meets college student Savannah and they begin a relationship. For a year he’s back out deployed and when he comes back home he is back with Savannah but their starts to fade and they argue a lot. When 9/11 happens he is deployed once again this time to Iraq and Savannah writes him a letter breaking up with him. His dad becomes seriously ill and passes away.
What I liked about the book is how it was set up in three parts, and each part had something really significant happen within them and not just John re-enlisted into the army. I like how John has grown up and evolves over the cause of the book.
When I read the book before I really didn’t like Savannah that much. I like her a little more but not a lot.
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