Monday, February 18, 2019

Favourite Couples in Books (Top Ten Tuesday Inspired)

It feels like forever since I’ve done a Top Ten Tuesday. This weeks TTT is all about my favourite couples. I’ve changed it a little and added some that aren’t particularly romantically involved but I like them as couples

Harry and Ginny 
It honestly feels like I’m the only one who loves Ginny and Harry together. Everyone would have liked Harry and Hermione to be the couple but for me I think that would have been to easy. The main character and his female best friend. There is the chemistry between Harry and Ginny that feels better.  

Ron and Hermione 
Again just like Harry and Ginny I think that there is a chemistry between Ron and Hermione that just feels better, I don’t think anyone would be better suited and the fact that Hermione becomes a Weasley and the golden trio are all apart of the same family just brings them together so well, 

Kamryn and Luke 
- My Best Friends Girl 
I loved seeing how the relationship between them developed. It started off really rough, got really good, got really bad and hopefully got back on track because honestly I really love the two together.  

Ruby and Nate
- Lock and Key
I love it when two characters can be linked and it not be romantic in anyway. I think it’s sometimes better have a friendship rather than it be romantic and shows that two people can love each other and not have any romantic ties to it.  

Kendra and Kyle
- Marshmallows For Breakfast
I like how the author wrote about Kendra and Kyle. I like how it could have gone either way, romantically or just as friends. 

Fred and George Weasley 
I know this is so close to Valentine’s Day and probably meant to be romantic couples, but I think there is no better couple than Fred and George.  

Katie and Alex
- Safe Haven
I like how Katie and Alex relationship developed over time. It could have gone so different because of Katie’s past with her husband, 

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